Saturday, December 31, 2011

Water, water everywhere ... Except here

Being an adult sucks.
The water in my apartment was unexpectedly shut off Thursday because we’d forgotten to and were underinformed of the process of transferring the account under one of our names.  After a slew of frantic phone calls to stubbornly indifferent representatives from the water company for instructions to redress the very dire situation, followed by a much-needed power nap to calm down, I woke to a phone call from my landlord with numbers I needed to contact the next day.
So, I did my duty and called the number to transfer the account to my name, only to have them tell me the water should be turned on Monday. MONDAY??? It was only 12:35 pm on Friday! That meant not just another day, but rather an entire weekend without water. There was never a more suitable opportunity to say, “FML.”
As I write this from a library where I have set up camp — with all the necessities of food, water, shelter, and a calculator — I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for offering me a place to shower.
(Originally posted Sept. 18, 2010)

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