In response to Hallie’s vehement belief that my head will soon explode from the abundance of information I’ve acquired from all the classes I’ve taken lately, I counted all the first days of school I’ve had, and came to a startlingly nerdy figure: 30. Did I also mention that my mom likes to tell her friends and aquaintances that I “love calculus”? That’s only partly untrue, but embarrassing nevertheless. Anyway, here are two of my most memorable first days of school:
Kindergarten: I sat next to my new friend Yadi at lunch the first day. However, things went downhill when she asked to have a piece of my Fruit by the Foot and I declined (I was hungry!). So she tattled on me (karma). Did the teaching assistant quietly and justly settle the dispute and have us appologize and make up? Nope. She sent me to another table to finish eating my lunch ALL BY MYSELF. I was 5 years old. How cruel!
6th Grade: I looked super cute with crimped hair and platform flip-flops and totally conquered the first day of middle school. But then I went outside to look for my ride (my sister) at the end of the day, and did not see her. So, I decided to walk all the way home despite the humidity, but there was nobody at home to open the door when I came back. Fortunately, my grandmother lives three houses down the street, so I left to visit her and to seek the benefit of air conditioning. However, on the way there, I spotted my neighbor’s dog freely galloping around with neither a leash nor owner. I was dealthy afraid of dogs at the time, so I sprinted to grandma’s house (in platform flip-flops no less), only to find that she wasn’t home either! Hmph! Anyhoo, my sister eventually came back home to find me sulking in my grandma’s backyard. My uncle tried to make me feel better by saying I looked like Britney Spears (this was a compliment in 2001). Must’ve been my crimped hair.
Anyway, it turns out she went shopping and lost track of time, but said she did go to my middle school to go find me and even asked the principal if he’d seen me. Needless to say, the principal tried to address the situation by going on the intercom and asking if there was a Jane Ma in the building. The next day at school, my history teacher came up to ask me if “yesterday was a rough day.”
(Originally posted July 12, 2010)
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